Telehealth therapy, sometimes called virtual counseling or online counseling is a form of professional mental health counseling with a licensed provider performed through the internet, usually via a HIPAA compliant, secure live video platform.
At Modern Counseling we work with clients who are residents in the state of North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.
1. North Carolina residents are able to schedule an appointment through the Client Portal or by contacting the practice.
2. Once scheduled, the client will be prompted to complete intake paperwork prior to scheduled appointment.
3. Client will be prompted to download telehealth app if using their phone or a tablet for their sessions.
4. At the time of the scheduled appointment, the client will receive a video call from the counselor.
While telehealth therapy is appropriate for most people, there are circumstances where telehealth therapy is not the appropriate form of counseling. These circumstances will be explored between the counselor and client in their initial communication. If it is deemed that telehealth therapy is not appropriate the counselor will recommendation a more appropriate form of care.
FL Residents, please visit to learn more about telehealth services in your state.